Discover PayCargo’s impactful launch at Cathay Cargo Terminal and their strategic partnership with Autotoll—innovation in logistics payments is here!

Guests of Honour held a toasting ceremony with the esteemed guests, celebrating the official establishment of PayCargo in Hong Kong. (From left: Mr. Ryan Ngan, Senior Business Advisor, PayCargo Continental Asia Limited; Mr. Owen Leung, General Manager of IoT & Telematics, Autotoll International Limited; Mr. Morgan Law, Commercial Director, Asia, PayCargo Continental Asia Limited; Ms. Karen Mak, Deputy Head, Financial Services & Fintech, InvestHK; Hon. Duncan Chiu,Legislative Council Member (Functional Constituency - Technology and Innovation); Mr. Adrie Reinders, Chief Executive Officer, PayCargo International; Mr. Karel Au, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Autotoll International Limited; Mr. Mark Watts, Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Cargo Terminal; Mr. Alvan Aiau Yong, General Manager, Australia, PayCargo; Mr. Eddie Law, General Manager of Dimerco Air Forwarders (H.K.) Limited; Mr. Max Lau,Vice President (Fintech), Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES); Mr. Henry Yau, Marketing and Communications Manager, Autotoll International Limited)

Guests of Honour held a toasting ceremony with the esteemed guests, celebrating the official establishment of PayCargo in Hong Kong. (From left: Mr. Ryan Ngan, Senior Business Advisor, PayCargo Continental Asia Limited; Mr. Owen Leung, General Manager of IoT & Telematics, Autotoll International Limited; Mr. Morgan Law, Commercial Director, Asia, PayCargo Continental Asia Limited; Ms. Karen Mak, Deputy Head, Financial Services & Fintech, InvestHK; Hon. Duncan Chiu,Legislative Council Member (Functional Constituency - Technology and Innovation); Mr. Adrie Reinders, Chief Executive Officer, PayCargo International; Mr. Karel Au, Deputy Chief Executive Officer, Autotoll International Limited; Mr. Mark Watts, Chief Operating Officer, Cathay Cargo Terminal; Mr. Alvan Aiau Yong, General Manager, Australia, PayCargo; Mr. Eddie Law, General Manager of Dimerco Air Forwarders (H.K.) Limited; Mr. Max Lau,Vice President (Fintech), Office for Attracting Strategic Enterprises (OASES); Mr. Henry Yau, Marketing and Communications Manager, Autotoll International Limited)

Accounting Plus is proud to share some exciting developments that are set to reshape the logistics and financial landscape in Hong Kong and beyond.

Introducing PayCargo at Cathay Cargo Terminal

We’re delighted to announce the successful launch of PayCargo’s innovative payment platform at the Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal in Hong Kong. This significant step, led by Adrie Reinders, CEO of PayCargo International, and Morgan Law, Commercial Director, Asia, PayCargo Continental Asia Limited, signifies a new era in freight payment efficiency and security.

A Fusion of Expertise: PayCargo and Autotoll

The celebration does not stop there. PayCargo has also embarked on a collaboration with Autotoll, perform payment operations and localize PayCargo to Hong Kong market. This partnership demonstrates PayCargo’s commitment to expanding its services and solidifying its presence in the Hong Kong market.

A Toast to Innovation and Collaboration

The launch event bring along Cathay Cargo Terminal was a showcase of ingenuity and partnership, with Mr. Mark Watts from Cathay Pacific Cargo Terminal gracing the occasion. The synergy between PayCargo, Cathay, and Autotoll, supported by Accounting Plus’s expert advisory services, is a testament to the power of collaboration in driving industry advancements.

Our Role in Your Success

As PayCargo’s trusted advisor, Accounting Plus has been instrumental in navigating the complex financial terrain, ensuring a smooth and successful launch. Our team’s dedication to excellence and innovation continues to support our clients, like PayCargo, in realizing their goals and exceeding market expectations.

We are excited about what the future holds and look forward to sharing further triumphs with you.

Thank you for your ongoing support.

Best regards,

Accounting Plus Corporate Advisory Limited