On October 12, 2021, the International Air Transport Association (IATA) announced that CEVA Logistics, a global logistics and supply chain management company, had become the first global logistics provider to receive IATA’s CEIV Lithium Battery Certification. This certification validates CEVA Logistics’ expertise in handling and transporting lithium batteries safely and efficiently, meeting the stringent standards set by IATA.

To achieve the certification, CEVA Logistics underwent a rigorous process of assessment and training. The company’s operations and processes were audited to ensure compliance with the IATA’s Dangerous Goods Regulations (DGR) for the transport of lithium batteries by air. CEVA Logistics’ staff also underwent specialized training on handling lithium batteries and related documentation.

The CEIV Lithium Battery Certification is important for CEVA Logistics as the company handles a significant volume of lithium batteries, which are classified as dangerous goods due to their potential fire risk. With the certification, CEVA Logistics is now better equipped to handle these products and provide its customers with safe and reliable transportation services.

Commenting on the achievement, CEVA Logistics’ CEO, Mathieu Friedberg, said, “The CEIV Lithium Battery Certification is a testament to the expertise of our teams in the safe and efficient handling of these highly sensitive products. We are committed to continuously improving our capabilities and investing in the training of our staff to meet the evolving needs of our customers.”

The certification also demonstrates CEVA Logistics’ commitment to sustainability, as the company is able to transport lithium batteries safely and efficiently, reducing the risk of incidents and minimizing the environmental impact of any potential accidents.

Overall, the certification of CEVA Logistics by IATA’s CEIV Lithium Battery Program highlights the importance of safe and efficient transport of lithium batteries, and the need for specialized expertise in this area.