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ASEAN Nations Bear Annual Losses Of $17B Due To Supply Chain Disruptions
  • $17.01b Annual Lose: Ongoing supply chain disruptions in the ASEAN region, caused by various factors cost the region $17.01b.
  • Asean Nations Opportunities: India, Malaysia, Vietnam and Thailand are the top choices for businesses to set up their operations to become global manufacturing and shipping centres.
  • Supply Chains Predictability: Supply chains thrive on predictability, and so the ability to take away as much of the uncertainty as possible through a resilient supply chain is crucial.
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China’s Shipping Container Congestion Said To Reflect Repositioning Back To Asia
  • Container Prices Increase: There was an increase in the prices and leasing rates of second-hand containers in China last month.
  • China Container Trade Rebound: The container-trade rebound, will depend on the pace of the reopening in China – how quickly production volumes return to normal.
  • Repositioning of Containers back to Asia: The repositioning of containers back to Asia from the US and Europe reflects the clearance strategy by importers.
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Minimizing Risk To Boost Manufacturing Production And Safety
  • Manufacturing Facilities Flexibility: Building and maintaining flexibility across all manufacturing facilities can help businesses swiftly adapt to shifting circumstances.
  • Innovate to Remain Competitive: Innovation can be something as simple as giving a new supplier a chance to provide production materials.
  • Stress-Testing Operations: Manufacturer can use a risk management checklist to determine the risk of the design or process.
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APAC Businesses Embrace Cloud And AI To Build Resilient Supply Chain Ecosystems
  • Cloud-Based Solutions: Businesses can respond faster to the requirements of their customers by leveraging cloud-based solutions to boost their digital capabilities.
  • AI-Powered Automation: Smart robots will be deploy in warehouse operations to remove strenuous activities and ease labor limitations.
  • Cloud Supply Chain Systems: Logistic companies are using autonomous cloud-based solutions to enhance data visibility throughout the entire ecosystem.

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